If you don’t care about your own safety, think of others

These thoughts came to me while I was tweeting with @SherriWrites at about 4a; after Hurricane Irene moved through my area. There was a time in human history where technology wasn’t available to predict the destructive paths of natural disasters. With meteorological advances, however, there are some things we don’t have to do anymore: We don’t […]

Another sleepless night

The plan was to go to bed early and then get up at 5a to go to the gym, but that didn’t work. I found myself wide awake at 11pm, and I still can’t sleep. I had an itch on my back, and when I went to scratch it I discovered that my entire back […]

That earthquake really shook me up

…no pun intended. Yesterday, a 5.8-magnitude earthquake started in Richmond, VA, and shook the earth all the way up the East Coast. I live about an hour and a half away from Richmond, so imagine my terror when my bed starting shaking during my nap. At first, I thought I was dreaming that the bed […]

Casey Anthony: not guilty and not innocent

I was asked on Twitter, prior to the Casey Anthony verdict, what my opinion was on what it would be. My reply was that I had no opinion on the verdict. I’ll explain why I had no opinion on the verdict: Casey Anthony wasn’t found innocent of the killing of Caylee Anthony. Innocence was not […]

President Obama will never be effective

Don’t get me wrong. The title of this post is “President Obama will never be effective,” not “President Obama cannot be effective” or “President Obama hasn’t tried to be effective.” I could make this a long and drawn-out post, itemizing all the ways President Obama will never be effective, but when you boil it all […]

A clean compromise

OK, so with five days invested in my house-clean-up-and-out project, there is one room that’s totally clean. Woo-hoo! That may not seem like a lot to you, but when I show you the before and after images, you’ll understand my excitement. I have dubbed my helper the “Room Whisperer,” because he goes through each room […]

Ramping down the repeat tweets

I get asked all the time why I repeat the same tweets over and over. What I’ve learned about Twitter I already knew from teaching eighth graders… People see (hear) the same thing typed (said) over and over at their own time. There are different people on the grid at different times all throughout the […]

I mean, if they’d do that to my Jesus…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a reader of Holocaust literature. I also watch as many documentaries and/or true-to-life movies on the subject as I can find. Other human-upon-human tragedies that have captured my attention, and have me reading and watching everything I can get my hands on, are the two civil […]

Taking the Password Plunge!

For years, I’ve used essentially the same combination of passwords for all my accounts. There have been variations here and there so as not to be so predictable, but if a hacker got one of my passwords, s/he could probably get into about 10% of all my accounts. Not anymore! I have now taken the […]

Book Review: Satan’s Sisters by Star Jones, Esq.

The great thing about having a Kindle is that you can get books the first day they premiere, and that’s exactly what I did on 22 March 2011 when Star Jones‘ book, Satan’s Sisters, hit the stores. I would have finished the book in one day had it not been for other things I had […]