Back in April 2010, I got the Kindle DX (the big'un 🙂 ) for free by helping save a friend's business quite a bit of money.
He asked me what I wanted for helping him, and I told him I'd like a Kindle.
He pulled out his iPhone on the spot, went to and looked up Kindles.
“You want the big one or the little one,” he asked me. After hesitating for a moment, because I didn't want to take advantage, I decided to just got for it.
“I'd like the big one, please,” I told him. His reply?
“You want the leather case for it?”
“Yes,” I said. He touched in the information and put the iPhone back in his pocket.
“You'll have it in a few days,” he said.
Since I got my DX, I've rarely missed a day of reading from it. I love that thing!
I have a birthday coming up on 24 October, and I told my parents I don't NEED anything, but I'd like to have the new Kindle Fire.
There's no guarantee I'll get more than a birthday card and a phone call from them, so I have a Plan B if that doesn't work out.
I mean, my parents' love is all I really have to have from them on any day of the year, including my birthday.
And, cut…
So my plan B for getting my Kindle Fire free, if mom and dad only send me their love and a Hallmark card (I'll be turning it over to check), is to use the Amazon Trade-In Program.
You don't know about the Amazon Trade-In Program?
What the snarky?!?!
You've got to learn about the Amazon Trade-In Program.
At first, I thought it was only for college textbooks, but then I discovered they'll take trade-ins on loads (yes, I picked that up from watching Harry Potter movies; anyway…) of stuff!
Let's back up just a smidge.
You don't think I'm trading in my Kindle DX, do you?
As Erika Alexander's character said in Mama Flora's Family…
“Don't you be talkin' blasphemy!”
OK, it's not that serious, but I will be keeping my DX even after I get the Kindle Fire.
Each Kindle will serve two, separate purposes.
The DX will be my main device for leisure reading, just as it is now.
The Fire, because it's a full-color, touch-screen device, will allow me to watch Amazon Instant Video, and I'll also employ it when I teach using a resource that has color images, like Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Classroom in a Book
or HTML5 in Easy Steps
OK, so back to Plan B and the Amazon Trade-In Program…
Like I was saying…
It's not just for trading in college textbooks. Amazon is accepting good-to-brand-new items in the following categories:
Don't think you're going to get back most of what you paid for your items, though.
The trade-in amounts on many items are modest, at best.
However, for me, this isn't a concern.
I mean, I'm trying to declutter, so being able to get a little credit for things I'm trying to get rid of anyway is a bonus.
Amazon allows you to send the items to them for free. They pick up the cost of shipping.
Anyway, I'll let you know how my plans turn out, but I'm going to be the owner of a Kindle Fire soon. That's not optional.
UPDATE: Mom and Dad didn't get me a Kindle Fire for my birthday, so Plan B is in full effect. 😀