Doors and Windows

I know some of you have heard people say, “God doesn't close a door without opening a window.”

On yesterday, I submitted my letter of resignation from my day job. There's just a lot of things going on there that cause a very high-stress working environment, and I've decided that I just need to move on.

Since becoming debt-free, and having a “cash and carry” lifestyle for the past four years, I'm in a position where I don't have to deal with some of the things I dealt with before because debt was hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles.

A few people were concerned about my decision asking me, “You quit your job in this economy without having another job lined up?!?!” When I explained to them that I am going back to being my own boss, they looked at me with reservation even while congratulating me.

They wanted to know what I plan to do. I told them I plan to continue to train, but I'm going to do it through my own training company that I put to the side when I started training fulltime for my current company. I'm also going to focus more on my writing and social networking ventures, along with being able to do more web work without having to turn potential clients away. I also want to get my book business re-established, as I've got about 8,000 books sitting in my basement that need to be relisted on my site for sale. I've got plenty to do, all with the potential to create the income I need to meet my daily expenses.

I had all these conversations yesterday, and then today I get to work and there's an email waiting for me in my work Inbox.

Another instructor I work with passed my name along to her contact at the local community college, and they are going to allow me to teach some evening computer classes where I get to set my own schedule and teach the subjects I want to teach.

So for those folks who don't share my vision of self-employment, please know that “God doesn't close a door without opening a window,” and I'll be getting a steady paycheck from the community college while setting my own schedule and doing what I love; teaching. I'll also have time to do all the other things I planned to do, too.

God's got me. No worries.

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