It's Saturday, and I'm at the job finishing up things that need to be finalized by Monday.
However, I don't mind because I won't be working any more weekends for anyone else anytime soon once this weekend is done.
I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to get back in the gym and get healthy.
My plan is to go when they open at 5a, do an hour of something—treadmill, elliptical, basketball, swimming—then spend about 20 minutes in the steam room, come home and shower and then get back in bed for a 2-hour nap.
I figure when I'm first starting out I'm going to need that nap, because I won't have the stamina I'll be in the process of developing when I first start out. Eventually, the nap won't be necessary, but I'm working it in at the beginning because it's just foolish not to. My body will let me know when it's ready to go from workout straight to working. Until then, a nap is on the agenda.
Goodness! It feels awesome just to be able to plan a nap in my day like that. I've missed being self-employed since I went back to working full time.
Just think. In two days, me and self-employment meet again.
I'm looking forward to embracing my old friend and saying hello.